为了使您更方便,您只需简单填写信息(标注*的为必填项),完成本次信息登记并提交给我们,或者直接发送您的信息到我司指定的邮箱:[email protected]。我们将根据您提供的信息,尽快与您联系。如有问题,您也可以致电我司+8610-5126 2099 or (86) 139 1121 6561,我们将热诚为您服务。

Please see the form below to list with FULLHOME. If using our signup form is difficult then you can simply email all your info to [email protected]. You can also call our hotline: +8610-5126 2099 or (86) 139 1121 6561 and we'll personally work you through getting started.


Get Started by filling in your property details below.


Name 姓名* E-mail 电子邮件*
Phone 联系电话* Nationality 国籍


Property Type 物业类型*
Compound Name 小区名称*
Property Address 物业地址*
Floor/Unit Number 楼层/单元*
Unit Size 建筑面积*
Room Number 房型*
Furniture 家具配置
Decoration Style 装修风格
Price 期望租金(RMB/MONTH 元/月)*
Please note any other comments 其他备注或说明

如果您有房屋的照片,请在提交本表后将照片发送到[email protected],您的照片对我们非常重要,提供照片会为您节省很多时间。如果您需要我们专业人员协助您拍摄,请致电我们的热线 +8610-5126 2099 or (86) 139 1121 6561,我们将热诚为您服务。

If you have the photos for your property, please send to [email protected] after you submitted this form. your photos are really important to us. If you need us to take the photos for your property, please feel free to call our hotline +8610-5126 2099 or (86) 139 1121 6561.